Nu lanserar Barco en linskalkylator som gör det betydligt lättare för professionella inom projektor/AV-sektorn att välja rätt lins för att uppnå bäst resultat. Kalkylatorn visar hur olika linsmodeller monterade på Barcos projektorer kommer att fungera i olika miljöer, tex vad gäller avståndet mellan lins och duk, högsta skärmupplösning under olika förutsättningar och hur linsbyte påverkar resultatet. Det grafiska verktyget ger också användaren en visuell återgivning av det förväntade resultatet direkt i programmet.

Följande text är hämtad från tillverkarens egna hemsida:

Choosing the right lens is now far easier and more complete

“In the Pro/AV sector the choice of lenses is hugely important for getting the right result. Before investing in a set of lenses, the user wants to understand what their various limits and potential are. The newly-unveiled lens calculator makes this far easier.

The fundamental role of the calculator is to show how lenses perform in different circumstances on Barco projectors. What are the minimum and maximum distances to the screen? What size screens are optimal? What is the actual resolution you can expect with a given set of parameters? What about lens shift?

4 features for better choices

The calculator that is now online boasts four major new features:

  • Favorites. You can now narrow down the projectors to a few favorites and get results just for them.
  • Locking of preferred lens. For a closer look at the performance of a given lens, you can now lock it and change all the parameters to find its limits
  • Visualization. This handy graphic tool lets you experiment with different horizontal and vertical lens shifts so you can see exactly what works and what does not.
  • To complete the picture, the laser safety risk group for each lens is shown.

These, along with a number of bug fixes, give customers and our sales team a powerful tool for finding lenses that will bring the best return for their investment. Check it here.”